Ethan and Lydia are playing on the same soccer team...
"the Dragons" the Gilbert Youth Soccer Association (GYSA) with their dad, Kevin, as their coach... 'accidental' clip...
'Auntie Ange' is their biggest fan...
...a word about the coach...
Kevin (the 'dad coach') was a 'huge' soccer star in his growing-up years...he is so patient with all of these 'new, little learners'... (I should take the opportunity to brag about my kids more...they are so cool...)
Here are some 'action' shots from their game last Saturday...
...big action...the excited fams...(appropriate typo)
It's not important that 'the Dragons' scored 2 goals for the other team...what
is important is that 'the Dragons' scored 2 more legitimate goals and Lydia assisted on the first one & Ethan scored the other one!
Lydia is the youngest on the team and being the only girl,
she holds her own pretty well...
besides that she is the c
utest player on the team!
Ethan (on the other hand) is the coolest & is a 'ready machine'...
...and here they are in action...
...and Ethan takes it down the line... this age group, the coaches are also the referees...
(they can't touch the ball...but they can coach from the field)
Liddy gets a little private instruction...
...and she is re-inspired!
Ethan is ready for back-up...
...after half-time 'the Dragons' come out breathing fire...
Go Liddy!
1st goal - Lydia's assist!!!
...and then Ethan scores!!!
Liddy...did you see that???
Great game, guys... this what is known as 'soccer face'???
...and snow cones all around...
Soccer is such a great sport...
We'll see all you fans next week!!!