Saturday, August 28, 2010

poolside oasis...

So here is dream #2...
...this is the 'before' picture of our pool here on Monte...
We need a little help,
don't you agree???
...just nod anyway... is hard to see in the photo but the deck is chipping badly
and the pool is really stained...

I like this one... belongs to Todd & Becky... :)
Here are some more ideas that I like:
I like the jacuzzi on this one...

...lion head fountains are cool and I like the stools inside the pool...
...pebble-tec looks so 'pondy' it...

...gotta have a rock slide...

...and rock steps...

...a ledge & a cool is that???
...a pebble-tec jacuzzi......que suave...
...palms & boulders add the finishing touches...

...just a few more plants ...
...and another dream satisfied...
I wonder if Hub shares this dream....Hub?...oh, Hu-ub...

Friday, August 27, 2010

dreaming... thing I do dream...

My current reverie is a fantasy backyard...
a fantasy that, I believe, has realistic expectations...

I love to create intimate settings with
'vanishing thresholds'
(I stole that phrase from a blog I love)
...sort of like a vignette, I think... are some of the 'bones' for which I visualize my
'outdoor room':
...this is the arch that Uncle Chris salvaged from sure ruination...
(my design was good but my flesh was inadequate...or...
...welding is much harder than it looks...) is what it needs to look like...(of course there will not be a forest)

...the next 'real' project will be a patio trellis...this is the future spot...
and here is the potential... (I have a good imagination don'tcha think?)

...what's next???...maybe a little decor... about one of these???
(don't you love the cupboard...)

...and/or this...

...maybe some sheers...

...and a few of these...

...and something like these...(lanterns)

...and there you have it...
...another dream come true...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

"Trials are just blessings... disguise..."
"...bad things happen to good people too..."
I guess the Lord knows what we can handle and allows accordingly... Todd & Becky are 2 of the best people I know...
(do you think I am biased??...ask anyone who knows them)
but they have been going through a 'rough patch' of late...
I suppose we shouldn't compare the blessings against the trials but the scale seems just a little tipped toward the trial side right now.
The blessings and tender mercies continue to flow, however, and they have a 'gratitude attitude' for those blessings.
...a great depiction of how they view life...aren't they the cutest???

*Shortly (and I mean, like a month) after moving into their new home in Mesa
(great blessing)
Todd was down-sized from his job @ University of Phoenix
(big trial)...
but within a couple of weeks he found a free-lance job that turned into a full-time offer with
AALL Insurance
(big blessing)...
*...then that weekend, Todd & Becky were ATV riding with some friends and 'crashed & burned' going over a knoll
in the desert...(trial)
Injuries included a fractured rib & sprained ankle (plus some temporary amnesia) for Todd and a broken pelvis in 2 places for Becky...
...apparently Todd & the ATV landed on Becky
so she got the worst of it...
Fortunately, (tender mercy) she didn't have to under-go surgery and was able to come home and begin physical therapy...
she currently is healing and doing well (big blessing)
in spite of:
*Friday night the AC in their new home stopped working in this 110 degree weather (bump in the road)
...they had a home warranty that covered them (blessing) even though it took 2 1/2 days to get it repaired...They were able to stay with Becky's dad
(family is always a blessing)
even though moving around is not that convenient with a broken pelvis...(fractures & sprains seem minimal in comparison...huh, Todd??)
Family, ward, and friends have rallied around (another blessing) and things are looking up...
I guess looking back, the (pun irony intended) blues (blessings)
far out-weigh the reds (trials)...
and that is in pretty hard times...
I'm sure that is the way it always is...
I need to count my blessings wa-a-ay more than I do...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

flowers...herbs...& veggies...

Gardens are an oasis...
especially in Arizona... can grow things besides
cactus & weeds in the desert...
as long as you have enough:
(I love the rainbow at the bottom...)


...and the right tools...
(no matter how old they are...)
I think I have enough basil to last awhile...

One thing I have learned over the years is that
landscaping is a work in progress... on the Monte spread
the work has just begun...

Friday, August 6, 2010

Sing it Rusty!!!

The Fox Icon Singing Competition Finals were August 4, 2010...
Rusty has been participating in this competition for the last 8 weeks
and made it to the finals!

The judges took it right down to the wire while the winner edged out Rusty by 1 point...
( went the scuttlebutt)
First prize - $1000
Second prize - $500
Randi (1st place winner) & Rusty (2nd place winner)

Rusty had the most fans by far and
a good time was had by all...
We are glad that Rusty is continuing to share his talents
and wish him continued success in that endeavor...
Here is a sample of one of his performances:

Thursday, August 5, 2010

beautiful Angie...

My baby - Angela - turned 20 today...
She is no longer a teenager so I guess it's time to put some past traditions to rest in the memories of my heart and start some new ones to take their place...
I'm pretty sure I emphasized that this morning when I tried to take her shopping for some new clothes...
We don't seem to share the same taste in fashion...

Truth is...I think she is absolutely gorgeous
no matter what she wears...
I wish she believed that...
So here is a new tradition ----
and Angie looks none too thrilled...
(but I think it's a deliciously sinful one anyway)
Memories of Angela....
She is so much fun ...

and has a kind & tender heart...

that is rare to find in one so young...

but I still miss my shopping buddy I used to have
when she was very small...
(I will always love this pic...)

...and I-I-I will always love you...
Happy Birthday, Ang!!!
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