...in disguise..."
"...bad things happen to good people too..."
I guess the Lord knows what we can handle and allows accordingly...
OK...so Todd & Becky are 2 of the best people I know...
(do you think I am biased??...ask anyone who knows them)
but they have been going through a 'rough patch' of late...
I suppose we shouldn't compare the blessings against the trials but the scale seems just a little tipped toward the trial side right now.
The blessings and tender mercies continue to flow, however, and they have a 'gratitude attitude' for those blessings.
...a great depiction of how they view life...aren't they the cutest???
*Shortly (and I mean, like a month) after moving into their new home in Mesa
(great blessing)
Todd was down-sized from his job @ University of Phoenix
(big trial)...
but within a couple of weeks he found a free-lance job that turned into a full-time offer with
AALL Insurance
(big blessing)...
*...then that weekend, Todd & Becky were ATV riding with some friends and 'crashed & burned' going over a knoll
in the desert...(trial)
Injuries included a fractured rib & sprained ankle (plus some temporary amnesia) for Todd and a broken pelvis in 2 places for Becky...
...apparently Todd & the ATV landed on Becky
so she got the worst of it...
Fortunately, (tender mercy) she didn't have to under-go surgery and was able to come home and begin physical therapy...
she currently is healing and doing well (big blessing)
in spite of:
*Friday night the AC in their new home stopped working in this 110 degree weather (bump in the road)
...they had a home warranty that covered them (blessing) even though it took 2 1/2 days to get it repaired...They were able to stay with Becky's dad
(family is always a blessing)
even though moving around is not that convenient with a broken pelvis...(fractures & sprains seem minimal in comparison...huh, Todd??)
Family, ward, and friends have rallied around (another blessing) and things are looking up...
I guess looking back, the (pun irony intended) blues (blessings)
far out-weigh the reds (trials)...
and that is in pretty hard times...
I'm sure that is the way it always is...
I need to count my blessings wa-a-ay more than I do...