Wednesday, June 30, 2010

the final leg...

Riding Nemo...(Lydia & Dayla)

We spent a couple of relatively quiet evenings for the last 2 nights of our vacation this year:
The first night we went out...
to Kwan's (Kevin's favorite) Restaurant...

...where the decor is interesting...

...and the food is great...
(and these are the leftovers...)
The last night we spent at home: having a cookout - (a summer favorite) and...
playing in the pool...(a future project)

Liddy does a great cannonball...
...more Nemo time...

We actually had a pretty good pool-volleyball game but were having too much fun to take any pictures...I guess...
All in all we had a great vacation so now we can get ready for
the 4th of July in Utah...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

happenings in the cabin milieu...

Don't feel bad...I had to look it up...
mi-lieu (mel-yoè) n. Environment; surroundings.

We found a great swimming hole on the Verde River...

Kevin was the first one in...the water was pretty cold so it took the rest of us a while to get used to the 'refreshing' temperature...

...where in the world are Ethan & Dayla...

Hi - ho - Dayla...

the sunning rock...

Dora's turn...

we found a crawdad in the river...

Dayla's the brave one...

Other more relaxing activities:
"...under the boardwalk..."

...mind games...

...dart throwing...oops!

and the height of competition: horseshoes...
...ladies first...

...taking good aim is important...'s all in the form...

...the tally...

...looks like this was a close game...

I guess we'll head back to the valley for the final leg of our 'vacation'...

Monday, June 28, 2010

Summer fun updated...

I haven't posted for a while because we have been having
just too much fun...
*Dayla came for a visit about 10 days ago and
except for an occasional marathon of
"So You Think You Can Dance" and "Glee" episodes
we have been running pretty constantly...
*My mom and sisters, Marci & Shelly, came for

Ben & Breann's wedding events
...and since the wedding wasn't until 5 pm on Saturday
we had a good time soaking up some sun by the pool...

...unfortunately I didn't get any pix poolside
but maybe that's a good thing....

*Breann & Ben...
the beautiful bride & dashing groom

with the groom's family...(oooh, too dark...)

...this is better...

We all had a good time at the reception...

some more than others...

and alot of fun sending them off with sparklers...
*The next day some of us were able to take a little 'jaunt' up to the cabin for a little R&R...
Look for details in a later post...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Happy Birthday, Kevo!

...a sweet, chubby face...
...grows into a strong, handsome man...
...and then a charming, adoring husband...
...and now a patient, loving father...

It's hard to think of one word when describing someone that you love, but we were bantering around nicknames the other day and one that we think describes Kevin is 'the strong one'...
Here's why:
* he can lift & carry his own side of the fridge or piano

* he beats everyone in arm wrestling

* he carries couches & other furniture by himself

*if he hits you with a racquetball you want to die

*he builds & re-builds treehouses

* he hardly ever gets sick

*he demolishes ceilings in a single hour

*he wins every argument he engages in

*he can eat a whole batch of brownies by himself
and last but not least...
*he is there like a rock whenever we need him...

Kevin...we love you & hope you
have a happy 32nd birthday!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Slab Pie...lookin' good!

I was going to wait until I tried recipes out that I have found before I shared them but this looks so delish and who knows when I will actually get around to making it...

Whole Wheat Vanilla-Bean Pie Crust
2 c. whole wheat flour.......... 1/2 tsp. nutmeg
2 c. white flour ......................zest of 1 lemon
3 sticks butter, chilled .........Juice of 1/2 lemon
2 T. sugar ..............................1 egg
1/2 tsp. salt ...........................1/2 c. ice cold water
Seeds of 1 vanilla bean
In a large bowl, stir the flours, sugar, salt, vanilla bean, and nutmeg and lemon zest together.
Use a fork to blend the butter into the flour mixture, creating a mixture that resembles coarse crumbs.
In a small bowl, combine lemon juice, egg, and water.
Pour liquids slowly into flour mixture, stirring gently with a fork until the mixture begins to follow it around the bowl.
Turn dough out onto a non-stick or silpat mat and knead several times. Roll out thin and press into a cookie sheet or refrigerate until needed.*

Nectarine Blackberry Slab Pie
1 batch of Whole Wheat Vanilla-Bean Pie Crust, prepared
12 oz. cream cheese........ 4 nectarines (pitted & sliced thin)
2 eggs ................................2-3 pints blackberries
3 T. sugar .........................1/2 c. peach jam
Juice of 1/2 lemon ...........1/2 c. honey
Press the prepared pie crust into the bottom of a large greased cookie sheet.
Tightly cover any unused portion of the pie crust dough and store in the fridge up to a week.
In a large bowl, beat together cream cheese, egg,
sugar and lemon juice.
Spread the cream cheese mixture over the pie crust.
Generously spread sliced nectarines and blackberries over
the cream cheese mixture.
In a small, microwave-safe bowl, heat the peach jam and honey together until warm.
Drizzle generously over the top of the pie. Bake in an oven preheated to 400 degrees
for 24-27 minutes.
Serve warm with a heap of vanilla ice cream or allow to cool and serve topped with a dollop of whipping cream.
Does this look yummy or what...?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What's wrong with this picture?

What you can see is...lots of trimming...cutting...
and digging...

...what you cannot see is...(Hub and) weather that is ...hmmm...hotter than heck...
Where was I when the beautiful spring temperatures hit the valley...
...say in March - April - or even the first part of May...
I was inside the house...(it was too cold outside...hee) guessed it...painting or more than likely...blogging...

But no...we had to wait until the thermometer read 110 degrees before heading out to the backyard to continue the 'grand renovation' in landscaping...
...well to be honest...we didn't exactly wait...(note the 'lawn removal' where there will eventually be a beautiful deck)...we have also extracted at least 3 other rather large over-grown bushes/trees...
...did I say Hub is the 'master extractor'? - well he we are making progress...

oh well...someday... (hopefully in this lifetime)... will all be worth it...
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