Tuesday, May 25, 2010

'magic fingers' Angi...

After a year of continuous searching, applying, and squeaking
(‘the squeaky wheel gets the grease’)
C#5 has found a ‘real’ job in her field…
...massage therapy…

…'daughter #2' (C#5) graduated from EVIT with her degree a year ago - May 2009...
...this past year she has been gaining further education taking business courses at
Chandler-Gilbert Community College (CGCC)
...one of her papers included an essay entitled,
"Angie's Phalanges"...
(a clever name for a business, don't ya think?)

She finally relinquished her position at Rosati's and worked for a couple of months with Harkin's Theatres again before landing her job @ Massage Envy...
...since she owns her own 'table' she has been able to use her license & experience to give massages 'on the side' - mostly to family & friends...

(pic in action when available)

Congratulations Ang...we're proud of you...!!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Rusty & Ethan's turn...

May is 'big party month' for us...
...birthdays - mother's day - end of school - etc...
...but we're finally winding down...

May 21 (last Friday) was the 'shared' birthday for
(Uncle) Rusty (C#4) & Ethan...(GC#1)
...born 20 years apart...
Ethan turned '7' so that makes Rusty...hmmm...'27'??

We couldn't get these two together to celebrate...

...this was taken in November 2003...
('7 ish' years ago)

so we partied separately...
Ethan is an awesome kid...
...he is so-o-o smart and fun to be around...
...he loves life and is living it to the fullest all the time...
...he wants to be an 'animal scientist' when he grows up and for now,
lo-o-oves any animal that lives in the ocean...particularly 'squids'...
...he is a great reader & actually likes math...
...we had a pre-party & then hit Ethan's fave: Fuddrucker's!
first...there were presents...
of course...it had to be a squid...
(...he looked appropriately thrilled...)

...then there was swimming...

...and more swimming...

"Come on in...the water is fine..."

Time for Fuddrucker's!!!
Tomorrow 'Squidward' will have a party with his friends...
Rusty is a manager for Wireless Advocates in the Costco on Sossamon & Frwy 60...
...he loves music and is a great musician...writing music for his band, 'Husch' where he is also the lead singer & manager...he plays his guitar and keyboard occasionally when they perform...
I think he enjoys being a homeowner since he bought his first home in May 2009 (a year ago)
We celebrated by going out to eat (as usual)...
"The Outback" provided the 'good food'...
and "We" provided the 'good company'...
'Best Buy' is a musician's dream...eh...Rugs??
I'm sure Rusty will party-hearty with his friends later...
Happy Birthday...Ethan and Rusty!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

And so it begins...

(...edited version and aren't you glad...!?!)
There comes a time when worrying about your health and small maladies seem to take precedence over many other things in life...

Recently, Hub (for those of you who haven't picked up on my current nickname for Dave...this is it) discovered a small non-healing sore on his left temple that looked suspicious and so off to the dermatologist we went...
...he had a biopsy and the tissue was diagnosed as a (#1)
We were grateful that it wasn't more serious so we decided to take care of it asap...
The date was set and when the time came, we headed off to get the job done...we had been advised that it would be a 4-6 hour procedure so we came prepared...books - computer - snacks - etc.
When we arrived, I quickly found the 'best spot' in the waiting room......right between the food and the water & magazines...-there was even a plug for my computer-
...like I said...'Little Debbie's' are the best... (oh...didn't I say that?...I meant to...)
Hub likes 'em too...
...now that we're primed...it's our turn to get zapped!

Dr. Shiell marks the spot with an "O"...
(Dr. Shiell is the topmost MOES surgeon
in the US...so 'they' say...)

and Tracy preps with lidocaine...

and the Doc draws 'first blood'...with the first layer...

(didn't I mention that they remove the tissue
in layers...? I meant to...)

then the cauterizing... (love that smell...yuck!)

Dr. Shiell explains the 'layer thing'...
(actually the discussion was more about the Lakers vs the Suns...
- the Doc's from California)
and Tracy applies a bandage...
...the tissue must be tested
so back to the waiting room we go...
...we wait together...going in and out...one by one...
...bonded together by sharing this experience...
...vibrant old people...exhausted youth...
...we are the same...
and this time there is pizza...yum!

...Hub likes the pizza too...

well... the results are back and still positive so...

...time for another round of lidocaine...
...and another layer of tissue to be removed...

and more cauterizing...
and...more waiting...

....finally........ the lab results are good...

...so after more lidocaine... (...kinda looks like botox...huh?
Mmm...where did those crow's feet go...??)
...the opening needed reshaping in order to stitch...
(...it sorta looks like a 3rd eye...or Hub prefers a football...)
and the stitching begins...

Voilà...11 stitches in all & he didn't feel a thing...
We're glad this little 'escapade' is over and hope there won't be another one like it any time soon ....
...so far - so good...and that was 24 hrs ago...Whew!
...well at least 'it's better than a hole in the head'...hee!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

the farmer's daughter...

...my new and tiny garden...

I always took it for granted that my dad was a farmer...

...and since he knows everything (as far as I am concerned) there is to know about farming...plowing...planting...fertilizing...watering...
...cultivating...and finally harvesting...
...only to begin the process all over again each season....
my dad is the farmer in my life...

Besides his farm of 1,000 acres or so, the garden behind the house encompassed at least 1/2 an acre and we, as his children, were blessed (in retrospect) to work in it and receive the benefits from it...
My mom is a farmer, too...
she set a great example of hard work and nurturing in the garden...

                          Throughout my adult life,
I have tried to emulate the garden...
                                                      ...not in size but in principle and quality...

Each home we have lived in over the years had a designated 'area' to plant our seeds and bedding plants and  
               we reaped the harvest of our labors..
 ...some of the crops failed
- the Arizona sun is a brutal entity to deal with -
                     but we tried, we learned , and for the most part
                           the results were edible...

...of course, the kids were always a big help...
(I think they at least developed a small interest in gardening...
well, maybe some of them did...)

Some gardens were bigger than others and had different watering systems but each attempt was met with added knowledge and experience for the next one...
When I had questions, I turned to my dad for advice...he would humbly make suggestions and I always respected everything he said...
Parenthood is alot like gardening...there is something to be said for planting a seed - nurturing it - watching it grow into maturity - and reaping the benefits that come with each relationship that has been cultivated...
...mistakes are made...but the efforts are continuous and laced with love... I felt that love and I hope my children and my garden feel it, too...

I hope I am becoming a better farmer and a nurturing gardener in each 'area' of my life and...
...I'm proud to be the farmer's daughter...

...the broken toe...a painful reminder of choosing to work barefoot...

Monday, May 17, 2010

Father's & Son's...

It's that time of year again...
...the traditional - the wonderful - the exciting...
Father's & Son's Campout!

This year Kevin & Ethan, Todd, and the Dad all piled into the Subaru Forester and headed for Pivot Rock, a campsite just north of Strawberry...the dads tried to talk the sons into staying overnight at the cabin on a soft bed but Ethan would have none of that...

They met @ Kevin's (their ward got the draw this year) and packed up all their gear and headed out... Upon arriving, friends were found and there was much fun to be had...

As soon as the tents were pitched...it was time to eat... and of course there will be hotdogs...

...and a fire...
Let's see how many we can put on one stick, Ethan...Ethan?...Ethan?...OK!
Oh forget it...a rock will be easier...
Todd wants to try out his new equipment...
Stew-in-a-can is the way to go...
Hey...this stove works pretty good...
Mmm...tasty....I wonder if those hotdogs are done yet?
In the morning...breakfast burritos hit the spot...
"Dad, will you take us on a hike...?"

"Right now... pretty please... we're asking nice!"

And the hike is long...but will it be worth it...?

"Oh look...there's a cave....!"

Pretty cool cave...huh?

"Camping is great...but I think I'm ready to go home now."

So long until next year...!!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Happy Birthday, Hub!

Here is a collection of chronological moments in your life:
...thanks for the memories...
Dave and Patty - 1960
to...young adulthood...
on his mission in Uruguay-Paraguay - 1973
Family pic - 1978

Family Picture 1999
and now...grandparenthood...
Grandpa and Liddy sledding @ the cabin...

Yesterday was Dave's (Hub) birthday and I didn't get to post because he had big plans...
He likes to cram everything that he likes to do and everything that he ever wanted to do into one day...the problem is that he wants me to do everything with him...
*- first off we did some yard work (didn't want to do this but we had to get the garden in before it gets too hot)
*- then he decided he wanted to go biking (I was already tired from the yard work but I'm still game)
*-now he thinks a racquetball game would be fun
(of course he knew I was no challenge)
...but I said 'no way'...
(I have a few more aches and pains than he does...it must be because he's younger than I am- 2 months can be very significant)

*- finally Dave decides to eat lunch and watch
a Bonanza rerun
(we always have 10 or so recorded on the dvr)
...this was also great because I got to sneak in a nap...

*- by this time, Dave is winding down
(did I mention age before??)
so on to the sample eating adventure at Sam's Club...this is one of hubby's favorite activities because he thinks it's 'free'...(I don't mention all the other stuff I'm buying and he pretends he doesn't see it...)

*- the big birthday dinner consists of veggie pizza and fresh strawberries for dessert because we have to be careful not to have anything that might raise our cholesterol...
*- of course the day wouldn't be complete without a movie
and 'Old Dogs' seems pretty appropriate...

Oh my...I thought that was such an exciting day - 
but life doesn't sound quite so thrilling when we write it down...
(is that why we're supposed to keep a journal?)

...or maybe we could just 'get a life'...
...oh ya...been there...done that...

Ain't it great to get old?...less expectations...
I think I like that...

Happy Birthday, Hubby....glad you're in my life!
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