***Park City is a beautiful & also entertaining place...
...the views are great...even from the ticket line...
...the Alpine Coaster is a beautiful & exciting ride through the pines with fantastic scenery and gorgeous flowers...
"...hey wait...I don't want to lose my glasses..."
...I think we'll come back...eh, Dayla...?
We really didn't get to stay long enough...
***There are snakes in Utah...
...a discovery is made while doing a little yardwork at Dayla's...
...Todd volunteered (?) to find it a new home...
...this is what I remember them looking like...
Now they seem to be a little more colorful & symmetrical...
...pizza & fireworks - can't beat that combo...
... 3D glasses enhance the experience...
We also had some delicious dinners & visiting
with the Bowman side of the family...
- my Family is the greatest!!!
Thanks to all who contributed with the food and
making Utah a fun place to visit...
...and thanks Dayla for your wonderful hospitality...
(your house gets cuter every time!)
Fun road trip and fun with family! That is what summer is all about! I will be in SLC next week! Hoping to visit your mom while I am there!!