Thursday, July 29, 2010

the Learning Factor...

Although I enjoy having a ‘fun time’ as much as the next guy, I hope I prefer gaining some type of knowledge from the activities I choose to engage in and then recognizing its application to life in general even more…

I suppose that would make me seem wise…or at least on the right track…hee!...(let's face it...I am getting older and experience should count for something...right?)

As an example: when I select a book to read, is it mainly for the entertainment of it or is there some type of information that can be ascertained from it that will better my life???
And again…are my media choices simply to pass the time or are they a form of positive education or at the very least, uplifting???

I know how easy it is to justify my decisions so my goal is to evaluate my leisure time before I ‘zone out’ in front of the TV or spend ‘umpteen’ hours reading blogs about landscaping…
(I feel an extra-ordinary urge to defend that one…)

Oh great…it’s that ‘choice & accountability’ thing again…

…anyway…at least I’m still going to try…

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