Thursday, July 29, 2010

the Learning Factor...

Although I enjoy having a ‘fun time’ as much as the next guy, I hope I prefer gaining some type of knowledge from the activities I choose to engage in and then recognizing its application to life in general even more…

I suppose that would make me seem wise…or at least on the right track…hee!...(let's face it...I am getting older and experience should count for something...right?)

As an example: when I select a book to read, is it mainly for the entertainment of it or is there some type of information that can be ascertained from it that will better my life???
And again…are my media choices simply to pass the time or are they a form of positive education or at the very least, uplifting???

I know how easy it is to justify my decisions so my goal is to evaluate my leisure time before I ‘zone out’ in front of the TV or spend ‘umpteen’ hours reading blogs about landscaping…
(I feel an extra-ordinary urge to defend that one…)

Oh great…it’s that ‘choice & accountability’ thing again…

…anyway…at least I’m still going to try…

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"You fill up my senses...

like a night in a forest...
like a mountain in springtime...
like a walk in the rain..."
These words describe how I feel about
Family and Family History...
Is it any wonder why I wanted to
re-assemble (finally) my 'heritage room'
in the cabin... the forest...
...where there are mountains...
...and it rains...
The Bowman-Wolford 6-Generation
Picture Pedigree Wall
....displayed with my mother's 65 yr old wedding dress...
...more 'old' family pics...

...and still more...
(Rusty is the artist for the 'Joseph Smith' sketch)
....awesome...isn't it???

...original LDS Church buildings in Colonia Dublan...
(sketched by Jennie R. Bowman)
Grandpa Weco went to elementary school in the RS building and I attended school in the big church until the 3rd grade...

... 3 important temples in our family...
Mesa Arizona - Colonia Juarez - Salt Lake City is definitely a big part of our heritage...
"Music is well said to be the speech of angels."
-Thomas Carlyle
(vinyl to come later)
I feel even more 'at home' now that I have my immediate and my eternal family around me...

...on the way home I took a couple of scenic photos...

I think I finally appreciate the beauty of Arizona...
...even the rocks...

...I tried to take a picture of the city lights...

...I think I need to stop and get out of the car next time...

Monday, July 26, 2010

a reprieve @ the cabin...

This is the view from our back beautiful... of the main reasons we love this place...
We hope to extend the deck here so we can enjoy the outside even more...maybe some french doors where the window is now....?

Hub and I really needed a break from summer reality in Mesa, Arizona so with thankful hearts for our
'cabin in the woods'
we headed north for a relaxing weekend in Strawberry...

Sunday afternoon was absolutely beautiful weather
so we took a walk around the neighborhood...
Here are a few of the homes that we encountered
on our stroll...

Aren't these all so cute...???

...this one is just around the corner...

...and this one is right across the street...
of course, this is my favorite...(it's ours...)
We are truly grateful for all of our blessings and hope we can reciprocate some of the kindnesses that are continually shown to us on a daily basis...
Come share some time and relaxation with us in our
'cabin in the woods...'

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Project "deck on Monte"...

Decks are fun...I found some pics that I like alot...

So...we decided to build a deck of our own...
...of course it's the hottest week of the year...
...prepping for concrete...the dust did fly...

...removing the existing brick border...

...adding pea gravel underneath...thanks Todd...
Zach & Bob Hipps...master deck builders...
...and finally the steps...

...oh oh....Priscilla has an idea...
...and she wants to help...

...trying to beat the heat...

...the guys are done and leave the cleaning to the women...
or woman that is...
...anyone know how to remove pencil markings???

...well the cat likes it...

Thursday, July 15, 2010


...they just add the charm that every house needs...

...this is Dayla's new hutch...isn't it the cutest??? is one of DaNelle's...
(...hint-hint for a pic...hee)
...and here is mine that I got 25 or so years ago...
I still love it! (Is Levitz still around...?)

...all very different but all full of charm...
...anyone else want to contribute?...
(Marci has a cute me a pic)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Thinking of independence...

(I wrote this post around the 4th of July and then neglected to publish it)

At this time of year we often reflect on gaining our ‘independence’ as a country, the ‘United States of America’, from the regime of another country, ‘England.’
*Independence --- Free from the influence, guidance, or control of another
(Definition from The American Heritage Dictionary)
In this connotation ‘independence’ has a very positive interpretation and I strongly uphold the freedoms and rights that have been gained from that ‘independence’ …however…when it comes to relating to mankind, I believe that independence tends to disconnect us as individuals…

I feel that I have long fought the battle against independence…...not “independence as a group” but “independence as an individual”…
...maybe that is because these two phrases are very different entities…
Perhaps in our quest to gain self-reliance, we mistakenly strive for independence…
Self-reliance & independence are two characteristics I alluded to in an earlier post –
“To Be or Not…” under the “Reality Check” label.

The semantics or meaning of these two words seems to be controversial in nature or competitive to say the least…

*Self-reliance --- Reliance upon one’s own capabilities, judgment, or resources
(Definition from The American Heritage Dictionary)

To be self-reliant requires us to be competent, thoughtful individuals while still allowing the connection and inclusion of others if we so choose. Self-reliance can and should inspire charity among human kind which is a commendable & desirable trait…

Independence, on the other hand, by its very definition excludes the involvement of anyone else and therefore encourages us to disconnect from other human beings. It connotes self-absorption and selfishness which are attributes to which I, for one, do not aspire…

And so I ask myself: As an individual, am I striving to become independent or self-reliant???
And that’s all I have to say about that…

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

rollercoasters, snakes & fireworks...

4th of July found us in Utah this year...TaB (Todd & Becky) and 'Hub' hadn't seen Dayla's new home so we opted for a road trip and discovered a few new things:

***Park City is a beautiful & also entertaining place...

...the views are great...even from the ticket line...

...the Alpine Coaster is a beautiful & exciting ride through the pines with fantastic scenery and gorgeous flowers...

"...hey wait...I don't want to lose my glasses..."

...I think we'll come, Dayla...?
We really didn't get to stay long enough...

***There are snakes in Utah...
...a discovery is made while doing a little yardwork at Dayla's...

...Todd volunteered (?) to find it a new home...
***Fireworks are different than they used to be...

...this is what I remember them looking like...

Now they seem to be a little more colorful & symmetrical... & fireworks - can't beat that combo...

... 3D glasses enhance the experience...

We also had some delicious dinners & visiting
with the Bowman side of the family...
- my Family is the greatest!!!
Thanks to all who contributed with the food and
making Utah a fun place to visit...
...and thanks Dayla for your wonderful hospitality...
(your house gets cuter every time!)
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