Wednesday, January 26, 2011

GramScilla's philosophies...

This is an on-going list of
'lessons learned'
that I like to contemplate and discuss with Hub and whoever else will get in the mix... kids will attest to this...
Enjoy... :)
(GramScilla’s) Mom’s 22 Philosophies (or things to think about):

I realize most of the ideas and concepts found here are not original in nature but they are simply a compilation of my words & thoughts of 'things I have learned' over the years (and am still learning) that I hope have helped me ‘progress’ in my life.

1. It is a smart man who learns from his mistakes….it is a wise man who learns from the mistakes of others…

2. It is a good principle to control the impulse to do what comes naturally to us and do what is right instead…

3. A wise man opts to apply self-discipline rather than waiting until the consequences of his choices are thrust upon him…

4. It is not enough to want to become something—we must realize that it is necessary to do what it takes to become that something…

5. We must carefully set our boundaries & priorities that are self-serving; but when it comes to serving others, there should be no limit…

6. A principle is just a ‘good idea’ until it is put into practice…

7. Do I live my life ‘acting’ the way I want to act, or simple ‘reacting’ to situations & people around me?

8. As we go through life, there is infinite more satisfactiion in being a 'doer' than in being a 'watcher'...

9. The choice to truly love is not the emotional bond created with another but the charity that is shared with another...

10. The possibility of romantic love is not in the presence of instant atttraction but in the absence of instant repulsion…

11. Patience and complacency are not synonyms—to be patient is a virtue—to be complacent is a sin…

12. Do I follow my opinion and justify it as compassion or do I live with compassion and allow it to become my opinion?

13. Organizing your life is the same process as mastering your thoughts…

14. Circumstances should never govern your actions--rather, let your actions govern what your circumstances will be…

15. Young people tend to abuse their bodies--not because they don’t care about them, but because they think that when they are old, they won’t care about them…

16. Patience in life is not merely waiting or suffering in silence. To be patient & kind, we must set boundaries and negotiate with empathy, love, and compassion.

17. The goal is not to control others…but to allow & exhibit self-control. Marriage & parenting teach this principle like no other.

18. Why is it that the natural care and self-reliance of our health is called ‘alternative medicine’?

19. Scientists are merely man-educated people trying to discover unnatural ways to eliminate the symptoms, results & natural consequences of our weaknesses and choices we have already made throughout our lives.
(I admit that this is a controversial statement and probably alludes to the fact that I ‘bite the hand that feeds me’…none the less, I am grateful for that ‘hand’ and realize the necessity of it…)
20. It's not what you's why/how you do it...

21. Habits that aren't based on true principles are just comfortable excuses...

22. True principles and logical opinions are not the same thing...
CHANGE is required in order to PROGRESS…both are processes of continual ‘tweaking - refining & strengthening’ the weaknesses and choices we encounter every minute of every day.
I don't consider myself to have found all the answers...but I still wanted to have my 'personal discoveries' somewhere on 'GramScilla's Cherished Life'... there you have it... if I would only apply them in my life...sigh...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you're a thinker. I admire that!
    I just saw Shelly's post about spending the "lunch money" you sent. Thanks so much. We all appreciated it only wish you & others could have been there too. We were planning an evening dinner but at first Paul thought he was going to be working late, then found out he would not be working that day but that his family was planning an evening celebration at home.
    Surely hope you are healing quickly. Send an update! Love you! Mom


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