Friday, December 30, 2011

...snow at the cabin...

The day after Christmas we all took off for some fun at the cabin...

...poor little deck....

 ...sledding down the hill...


...and the fort begins...

...gathering recruits... brick at a time...

...and it grows...

....we did it!!!

...the final inspection...

...if you build it....they will come...

...the cabin is such a fun place to be...

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011

We did have a nice Christmas this year...
...a beautiful tree...

 Lydia gave me the cutest nativity with a stable that she (and her daddy) made for it...
on the right are a few of the nativities from my collection...

Rusty is admiring his musical art work...

Dayla is posing with her new scarf...

Angie is.....????

...3 little maids...

Merry Christmas  to all and God bless us everyone!!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

cabin playground....

Kevin is famous (or infamous?) for finding awesome 'free' things...

...somehow he found this play set from someone at took a little work but we got it up to the cabin and it is a perfect addition to the backyard....

.....a hideout in the woods....

...Ethan and Lydia love it...

...and this is how we did it....(I'm still not sure how we wedged it in there)

You did good, Kevin...such a good dad...
...such a good son...

Monday, December 5, 2011

Boutique 2011

I's been a while....
Actually a lo-o-ng while but I will try to play 'catch-up'...and since things have changed in the blogging site I will be doing some re-learning....please bear with....

This is really the end of May 2012 but I am going to retract to the first of December 2011...

With my new-found energy and vigor (which I credit to juice feasting and developing a lifestyle where I take better care of myself) I have taken on some quite prolific of these being a host to 33 vendors in my home for a  'Holiday Gifts' Boutique...

During the actual boutique, it was extremely cold and rainy (uuuggh!) and we were kinda busy so these pics were taken during our setup time and I didn't get any outside photos....oh well....

...this was in the entry...

...moving into the family room...

...some kitchen goodies.... (tamales-tortillas & salsa were also available)

 ...of course this was before the new kitchen was to come...

...beautiful frames... 

 ....this was my little corner...

...and there was lots more....

 I got to know lots of new people (vendors) and products so it was well worth the effort in spite of the cold, yucky weather....probably my last effort as far as hosting goes, however....

Saturday, October 1, 2011

it's Halloween time...

Yes...Pinterest is ama-azing and fun... are some awesome ideas I found....

(not all from Pinterest but some....)

Happy Halloween!!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

never too old to learn...

Please read to the bottom to discover my insights about my recent experience(s)...

...I guess we are all 'idiots' in our own is my latest claim...

I was going to title this blog as 'my journey to HEALING'

but since I'm not anywhere near to being 'healed'
(either physically or psychologically)

I'm just going to try to document
my experience(s) of the last 3 weeks...
Experience #1: since I'm always trying to better myself nutritionally,
when my 2 daughters-in-law told me about a 'Juice Feast'
(yes, I said 'Feast' and not 'fast')
they were participating in,

I was all over it...

(after-all I had done a week long fast (as opposed to feast)
2 different times in my youth -
of course I forgot that was about 40 years ago...)

Actually, I did pretty well for the first 2 weeks with the usual de-tox symptoms
of slight nausea, headaches, small backaches, etc...

This was my daily schedule for preparing the 'feast':

...this is enough fruit and veggies for 1 day...
...the goal is to get at least 4 quarts of juice a day...

1 - from green leafy veggies

2 - from celery, cucumber, apples

3 - from carrots, turnips, tomatoes

4 - other vegetables & fruits

at least 2 lbs of leafy greens...

...blend the leafy veggies with about 3/4 cup of water until it is liquid...

Next you need to strain your juice

(a paint strainer bag works good)

...maybe that is why it tastes a bit like paint...

Squeeze all the juice out so only the dry pulp remains...

and Voilá...your first quart of Super Juice...

...Super what??... I'm not sure...

and then the real juicing begins...
(at least the the 'real fun-to-make' juicing)

...but as usual...after a while...
not so fun...

...first, the veggies...

...caught in action...

...then the fruit... be honest...this is more & higher glycemic fruit than I normally did in 1 day...

I am sure (in retrospect) that is what perpetuated what became a series of mistakes and traumatic events that ultimately were 'tender mercies' in disguise...

...don't they look pretty???
(and delicious...)

...even with that innocent-looking catastrophe-filled one in the back... garden sure got good nutrients for those 14 days!

Experience #2: (including mistakes & tender mercies)

On Day 14 of my Juice Feast...after ingesting my 3rd bottle of juice (which happened to be pure high-glycemic fruit juice)
I got very ill & bloated...
I grew more and more miserable as time went on...

...the next day I researched and (tender mercy) found that I possibly had Candidiasis
(an overgrowth of Candida in the small intestine)

...I made the decision to stop the Juice Feast - cold turkey and
start following the Candida Diet that I found...

...BIG MISTAKE... body went into a crisis that included severe nausea and vomiting for 24 hours and continued on through another day and a half until

(tender mercy)
my precious children intervened...
Hubby had been trying to aid and assist me but I was being my usual stubborn self
and resisted most of his efforts...

...the darlings' intervention came with
phone calls, pedialite, nausea meds,
essential oils, herbal tea, sage advice & offerings of support...

all of which I sorely needed...

one even brought me a rose...sigh...
another, a trip to the ER... (such a fun outing)

I felt their love...and their truths...
(you will understand in a minute)

my 2 Chiropractic brothers were (are) also very helpful and generous with their knowledge family is the best!!

Here is what I have learned:
1. pain next to (prolonged) nausea is pretty much.....nothing

Here is what I hope I'm learning:
2. we need to be humble(d) so we can learn (truth)
3. trials make us humble (mistakes can too)
4. the Lord helps us find truth
5. we must obey the principles of truth with exactness
6. we must be patient with our selves and others who are also learning
(I thought I had already learned that one.....I guess not...)
7. we must be grateful for the truths that have been shown to us
8. we must continue to strive to follow truth at all times and
learn to discern truth from deception...
9. we must be willing to change our opinions in order to follow truth...
(oh that silly pride thing always gets in the way...)
10. Family is Everything....and that's the truth!!!
(actually I have learned this one...)
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