Sunday, November 28, 2010

A quick trip...

I'm not sure when...but Hub and I took a quick overnighter up to the cabin...
I just wanted to share a couple of precious finds while we were there...

...well...maybe not so precious...

...but the leaves were just starting to turn...

Thankyou Lord....for this wonderful world...

...and all that thou hast given us...(even the spiders...)

Saturday, November 27, 2010


I really am grateful for all the blessings and tender mercies that the Lord sees fit to bestow on all of us every single day...
...of course, I don't get pictures of the really important things... the actual Thanksgiving events that we shared with good friends and family... was fun to have Chris & Pam...Saac & Rachel...Ben & Brianne...Ciera...Patty... eat dinner with us - we even played a game or two before everyone had to go their separate ways...

...why doesn't someone remind me to get out the camera...I didn't even get pictures of the food!!!

...maybe someone could invent a 'dvr camera' that we could pre-set to record all our fun times and we could go back later and save whatever pictures we wanted to keep and erase those we didn't...
(...of course that would require some thought to pre-set it...sigh!) :)
...well here is the only relateable photo I have...
'the proverbial table'...
...the entry table that 'catches' most of
the holiday mish-mash decor...
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Holiday Gifts Boutique...

Don't ask me why...but I agreed to host a boutique in my house this year on the Saturdays of November 6th and 13th...
...actually it was alot of fun but also alot of work...
Here are the signs that were in the front yard and on the street corners...

...and here are some of the 'wares' that were on display...
...of course, there was vinyl...

...and here is Pam's 'Reminisce' display...

Celeste Bush owns Celestial Clocks Co.
Katie Wilkins made darling hair clips...
Haylee made some awewome wreaths and bottle-cap clips...

Roz McClary made some vintage jewelry boards and sold her church and temple bags...
Amy Webb was 2 weeks away from delivering her new baby and still made lots of cute hair bows, flip-flops and brought her sister's 'memory boards'...
Julie Shepherd & her husband own a company that makes LDS wrapping paper and gift bags...
Deena Thorpe had popular scented soap, dishcloths & cute bookmarks...
Brittaney Tidwell (a highschool teenager) made the cutest t-shirts & onesies...she also made some headbands & belts that were 'to die for'...
Sharlene Turcotte had the awesomest aprons and tote bags...

Of course, the food was a big hit...
Pam & Ciera also made cinnamon rolls that were wa-a-a-y good...

Kari Barton made fabulous cookies and homemade fudge...
Lucia Gutierrez made the most delicious tamales and homemade tortillas...
(we sold every last one of them...) ...and now back to the checkout...

We didn't get rich but I learned alot and still look forward to next year...

Monday, November 8, 2010

party time...

I guess I'm going to have to post-date (or is it pre-date...?) my blogs since I am so far behind...yikes!
We had a fun celebrating Todd's birthday...
...since it is right after Halloween, we held true to the theme...

Trick or Treat!!!
After eating all the pizza we could eat, we had a few more
'tricks and/or treats' up our sleeves... we are trying to find some 'worms' (gummy)
in the 'mud' (pudding)...

Liddy found hers...

Ethan (with Becky's help) tried to eat a 'hanging head'...(donut)
(I think Todd was trying to 'help', too...)

...all lathered up for a shave...

...and the women have at it...
(I think Ethan & GramScilla won this one...)

...we even got free hair styles...
(I think I won this one, too...OK, maybe Rusty did...)'s all in the balance...
(the guys did better than I thought they would)

...sippy cup race...

...and 'house of Lydia' needed to put on some finishing touches...
(she really liked spraying that mousse...)
All in all we had a fun time...'tricking & treating'...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

#1 Son...

November 3, 1976...1:30 pm...
( - 34 years ago -)

David 'Todd' Wolford

was firstborn to Dave & Priscilla
...Dad graduated from ASU when Todd was 6 months old...
(cute picture of Todd w/daddy & mommy)

Even from the beginning, Todd has been a thoughtful and considerate son...
Here is how the story goes:
Mommy was in Mexico with Nana & Grandpa Weco awaiting the first signs of her first little son's arrival into this world...
...the doctor told us that Todd was 'on his way' at about 6pm on November 2...
Daddy (who was still in Mesa working) jumped in the old Toyota Corona and headed south for the border...unfortunately, the border at Deming/Columbus was closed when he got there (about 11 pm) so he slept in his car until the border opened again at 7am...
It was a long, arduous night for mommy and Nana who faithfully stayed by her side timing each contraction which came about every 30 minutes...the doctor had said that we should go up to the hospital in Nuevo Casas Grandes (10 minutes away) when the contractions were about 10 minutes apart...Dr. Hatch was famous for saying, "I'll sleep with one foot out of the bed..."
Jimmy Carter was elected President of the United States that night...but that was small news compared to the business at hand...
Dr. Hatch's sleep was not to be interruted, however, and the contractions maintained 30 minute intervals all night lo-o-ng...
Daddy finally arrived about 10 am and within 30 minutes the contractions became 10 minutes apart...
In retrospect, I think Todd was trying to be considerate to patiently wait for his dad to help mommy...after all, we wouldn't all that Lamaze training to go to waste...hee...
Todd has continued to make us proud parents as he learned quickly while progressing through school...
(Senior pic on the left)
and gaining a strong testimony as he served as a full-time missionary in the Georgia-Macon Mission...
(Mission pic on the right)...
...and isn't he handsome!!! (...that must be why everyone says he looks like his dad...)
I think his extra-ordinary intelligence may have had something to do with his 'aunties' (Marci & Lisa) putting large glasses on him when he was about 2 yrs. old and telling him,
"Todd, you're a genius.."
He has demonstrated that he is quite the 'genius', especially when it comes to computers...
He certainly was a genius when it came to picking his wife, Becky...we are so glad they have moved closer to us so we can see them more often...

He is a great example to me with his patience & quiet strength...
Todd...I love you and hope you had a Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

more Halloween...

Ethan cast a spell on us as 'Harry Potter'...

I think the KaD family (Kevin & DaNelle) had
'best in show' in the costume category...
Kevin & DaNelle were 'Woody & Little Bo Peep' from Toy Story...
(DaNelle had fluffed Maggie's fur with a blow dryer and she looked just like a little cute...)
...and Liddy flew in as 'Supergirl'...

Angie was the creative one when it came to carving...

...and our neighbors around the corner really get into the 'spirit'
with the decorations... I said...

I'm glad other people are so ambitious
so we can enjoy it without the work...hee...
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